Depending on your order we may use different delivery services to get your order to you as quickly and efficiently as possible.
When confirming your order at Checkout, you will be able to see which of our delivery partners is set to handle your order. Please see the relevant information for your courier below.
Please click here to see a full list of our delivery partners
Tracking your parcel with DPD tracking link/number
When your order is shipped from our warehouse or store, you will receive an email confirmation titled "Your PMT Online order has shipped", this email will include your order details along with a DPD tracking number and link, if you click on the link it should take you to the DPD tracking page for your parcel. This page will provide you with the updates on your delivery.
If the link doesn't work for some reason, you can copy your tracking code and paste it into the DPD track my parcel page found here
Track your parcel with the DPD APP
For extra peace of mind, you may wish to download the Your DPD App. This way, you can make sure to get your delivery first time by sharing your delivery preferences directly with DPD. They'll even know when to come back if they've missed you the first time.
Advantages of downloading the DPD app include:
- Arrange delivery to your local DPD Pickup shop (over 2,500 DPD Pickup shops located throughout the UK).
- DPD will let you know when they're 30 minutes away.
- If DPD missed you, they'll come back: It's not often you get a second chance but with our app, if they missed you the first time, DPD will try to come back again, if they can see you're in.
- Don't miss your delivery when you're on the school run. If you’ve got children then DPD can avoid delivering to you during the school run. Use the app to let them know and they'll try to deliver between 9.30am and 2.30pm so you can be sure you’re always in to receive your parcels.
- Your DPD on wearables. When you download Your DPD, be sure to sync your wearable device so you can be even closer to your DPD deliveries.
You can download the DPD app from the App Store or Google Play below;
Track your parcel with your Tracking Number
Parcelforce tracking numbers vary in length and may contain letters and numbers. They can be 9, 11, 13, 14, 16 or 21 characters.
You can enter the tracking number we provide for you here.
For further details on your tracking description, please click here.
If your tracking number is not recognised, please ensure you have entered it correctly. PMT may have created a tracking number before the parcel is received by Parcelforce. Please allow some time for the parcel to be received into the Parcelforce network and try again.